Japan Trip: Ginza

Take a peek at Ginza, Japan's very own 5th Avenue. Very high end stuff. But for people like me there's this really huge Uniqlo store for the more affordable things. I remember entering and scanning all five floors for menswear. Turns out the whole building is dedicated to women's clothing and menswear is next door. I was thinking 'There's a separate store for that??'. But yeah, it's that big.

There was this particular time in the evening when the setting sun casts really beautiful shadows across the walkway. The morning sun comes up too early for me to catch it so I normally try to make the best out of the golden hour in the evening. I set up camp at a corner and just start shooting people as they walk by, who obviously have a lot more important things going on in their head than to care about a Chinese boy pointing his camera in their direction.


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