A Short Announcement

Dear beloved readers,

I've decided that I need to concentrate fully on my studies for the two weeks. So I would not be blogging until my exam finished which would be on the 25th of November 2008.

However do not fret! I won't just leave you guys out there and deprive you from this site's goodness xp HAhahah.....so all the posts from now until my exams finished have been pre-posted at one shot and scheduled to release at specific dates. Now I don't have to worry about updating my blog every few days.

I would also like to apologize in advance as I might not be able to respond to any of your messages and keep up to date with ya'll writings. I'll promise to make it up to you guys one day.

Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement! It means alot to me and I REALLY appreciate it. Its always nice to come online and "meet" you guys.

Can't wait for exams to end,


  1. All the best to you, Stanley! And yes, please concentrate on your exams and make us all proud of you. :D

    Will also be praying for you...




  3. All the best for ur exam

  4. Good luck on your exams. It has been fun to visit and see your world. Look forward to seeing what you have waiting for us.

  5. Good luck, Stanley. I didn't even know you could pre-post. Great idea!

  6. Good luck, Stanley. You are doing the right thing by concentrating fully on your studies. I will be encouraging you in spirit from the U.S.A.
    Go, Stanley, Go!!!!!!

  7. Alice Teh, I'm working my a** off. Hopefully it'll pay off. Thanks for keeping my in prayer =)

    Christina, thanks! Your turn next year xP

    Rejesh, thanks man.

    Christy, thanks alot. I can't wait for all these too end. YOu know I have a whole 6 month break before my first term of college starts!

    Kay, yeah its pretty handy at times like this. Thanks for the wishes!

    Julie, thanks for you encouragement and support. I'm feeling the spirit! Ahahah...


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