A Home for the Rejected

It all started with one woman's compassion for animals. She started off working at SPCA, taking care of animal. However, to her horror she discovered that many animals had to be put to 'sleep' because the centre simply does not have enough funds to support the ever growing community of rescued animals.

She quit and started her own project called the Furry Friends Farm where she would be free to take care of the animals (mainly dogs I think) without sending them away to dreamland.

Recently (ok, maybe a few months back), I had the honor of meeting this lady, Sabrina Yeap. It was part of an activity organised by a club that I joined. Listening to her story first hand was truly inspiring. She actually conducts tuition to support the dogs!


At a glance, she looks like a really simple woman who would most probably be shy. But my, never judge a book by its cover. The moment she started speaking I was really impressed by the way she spoke to us. She had some sort of commanding presence. Her English got British slang somemore!

Here's a picture of one of the students getting up close and personal with one of the dogs.

This guy here, Salehin is one of the Doctor Dog owners. He adopted this dog from Furry Friends Farm. Now who says Malays can't touch dogs!

What is Doctor Dog you may ask? Its actually something where these dogs are tested for their friendliness. If the friendly-o-meter rises to a certain level they get the title! This dog is one of the few Doctor Dogs in the world.

Technically Doctor Dogs are therapy dogs where they would visit hospitals, homes and et cetera to bring joy and happiness to all mankind. They are trained to play the cute factor to the extreme maximum like cuddling up next to you.

Now, here are the pictures of the other dogs. All of them were either abandoned or rescues from abusive owners. You know what. I'm not going to shrink the shots this time to fit your browser.

Look into their eyes!





This project have also made headlines in the news paper here and here.

I don't have their address but you can contact Sabrina if you would like to contribute at sabrinayeap@yahoo.com or visit their blog at http://www.furryfriendsfarm2006.blogspot.com/


  1. What a wonderful project! This lady is a true Earthly angel. The dogs are so sweet.

  2. Muslim can touch dog. There's been a huge misconception about it among the Malays in this country.

    I've checked the Quran, it is not wrong to touch dogs and pigs.

  3. Very heartwarming post. Thanks for sharing the photos and story with us. God bless her and all who are involved in the project!

  4. Julie, it really is. I'm even thinking of adopting one of the dogs after my exams =)

    Khairin, yeah its so sad lah. How could dogs be haram? Look into their eyes...and they're man's best friend right.

    Alice Teh, I too was touched by her story. Not many people are willing to sacrifice so much just for these animals. I tabik her lah... =)

  5. This is terrific. I'm almost ready to go over there and adopt a dog, too.

  6. Museswings, thanks alot =)

    Kay, it is awesome! Best part they do have pedigree dogs also that were abandoned by their owners.

  7. Interesting story, Stanley. Very inspiring...
    Also, nice capture of those good-looking animals...
    I agree with you. Dogs cannot be haram. For, how could it be when dogs are consider man's best friend.

  8. What a wonderful story. Your photos are awesome and say so much! What a wonderful woman to undertake such a project.

  9. What a wonderful story. Your photos are awesome and say so much! What a wonderful woman to undertake such a project.


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