Stuff from Work

As I've mentioned before I work part time as a photographer for a club called the Hive. It's nice being paid to do something you really enjoy. Only part of the job I don't like is the fact that you have to deal with drunk people. My shift starts at twelve in the morning, and you can actually notice people progressively get more drunk as the clock approaches three.

You get used to people groping at your ass or spilling drinks on you. Or those people who are so drunk they don't realise that they've requested their photo to be taken for the past ten times. I'm quite lucky that I don't have lectures the next morning so I do get a few extra hours to catch up on sleep.

Money earned goes towards my summer travel fund. Dad has agreed to match my earnings dollar for dollar!  I'm planning on doing the whole euro-trip thing with some good friends where we'll start at Greece and make our way to Spain. That is what keeps me going.


  1. i totally know what you mean about dealing with the drunk people. but heh atleast you're getting paid and saving up for summer travels. sounds great really! should keep you constantly motivated :) 

  2.  You work with drunk people too?? O.o haha

  3. Hi Stanley! Remember me? Heh. I always love your pictures and I love them even more now! It's great that you're saving up to travel. I plan to do that too. Haha. 


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