The Thing About Stress

To sum it up, this has not been a good week for me. Everything just seems so messed up. I feel so demoralised and useless right now. *sigh* I guess there is a price to pay if you are striving to achieve something. Its not like I expected things to be easy, but I never expected it to be this hard. (This is my blog so YES, I am allowed to whine.)

The whole week, so some reason I felt lethargic and tired. And my eyes gets irritated so easily, I can't study most of the time because my eyes hurt so much. Then there's other personal stuff as well with disappointments and things like that. In fact, I had to deal with so much disappointments this week its actually the main reason for this rant.

I know I need to chill but now is not the time, considering the coming exam timeline. Seriously, I need something to boost my morals. =( I want a gigantic pinata so that I can beat it to a pulp.



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