Vision for the Future (Stop Motion Animation)

Update: I forgot to thank all the people who helped me cut out and colour those cartoons in the video. Thank you guys! It would have been a nightmare doing it all on my own.

Today marks the end of the Global Debates season. Its a competition initiated by the United Nations Foundation where students work with other students to come up with campaigns, make videos and stuff like that. They have this point system thing where basically the more work you do you get more points and the more points you get you win.

I've had tremendous fun participating in Global Debates. There were so many memorable moments, from the preparatory stages to the actual event itself. I can recall those crazy night when the girls stayed up so late decorating boards for the 350 campaign and people who went crazy making booths for the Green Collar Careers convention.

And who would forget the auction we had for Haiti where Ms Campbell's cakes sold for Rm 200 each! Then the video team! Awesome job guys, I had so much fun working with you sporting people who are never afraid of working it in front of the camera. And to Adam and Chris a big thank you for taking two videos off my back this term. I will forever be thankful for the huge amount of stress you deprive me of.

Here is a little video I made yesterday. I have been putting it off since the start of term which was almost a month ago. Since the deadline is today, I had to sorta force myself to shoot the video and edit it.

This video uses stop motion animation technique, very simple ones. Oh, and I LOVE iMovie! The editing workflow is just so easy. Adobe Premiere Pro makes me want to pull all my hair out. Thank you Asyik for lending me his Macbook. I miss the iMac at home.

So here it is, "Vision for the Future".


  1. Beautiful video and great message!
    Well done to Stanley and the teams involved.

    The green project will be successful if everyone has a green heart...
    doing, observing and spreading the green message:)

    Can I share it on my Greener pastures blog Stanley too?

  2. Thank you sure no problem! Yup sure no problem. We also have a campaign running where we are trying to get as many youths as possible to create awareness and take action regarding environmental issues. Part of the campaign is completing a set of tasks. Our website is at


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