What really grinds my gears?

What really grinds my gears? The waitress at Starbucks or the glorified name "Barista". (I think it sounds like a fish, cause it sounds fishy... =_=)

So what? (No, I'm not a rockstar) During Christmas day, I was at KLCC. So I thought to myself, what's a better way to splurge on Christmas day then to buy a LARGE (venti my a$$, more like ventilation) cup of overpriced coffee at the most overrated coffee shop around, Starbucks.

It was a day out with the family, so my sister tagged along with me to get that coffee. So here's how it went down.

Stanley: Hi
Barista: Hi! What can I get you? (Lol, she was so perky I though she would go 2, 4, 6, 8.....which
coffee you wanna get!!?? *spirit fingerssss)
Stanley: Erm....I would like to have a venti caramel frappacino with chocolate chips (Yeah, I
know its a wierd combo...)
Barista (wait, is a female Barista called a Baris-tress??) : Ok, that would be *expensive price
which could get me to sets of McD*
Stanley: *hands money*
Barista: *looks to my sister* What about you? Would you like something to drink?
Sophia : Erm, nope.
Barista: *to the both of us* Yeah, just buy one right =) More romantic right!

The lady though Sophia was my girlfriend! Incest much?! I just smiled at her and walked over to the coffee collecting counter. When we were out of sight we burst out laughing. Lol, I wonder what made the Baristress think that my sister was my girlfriend. Well, I guess that's a story we could laugh to at future family reunions.


  1. you might as well hold your sister's hand and share that cup of coffee with her.. haha :P

  2. I remember that happening when I was in high school and went to check on my baby brother (3 years younger than me) at the supermarket where he was bagging groceries for extra money. The other workers started kidding him about his girlfriend visiting. I was slightly appalled since I felt I was so much more mature and worldly. He and I don't look at all alike. My daughter and son had the same problem because he was so much taller than her and people kept thinking he was older instead of 3 years younger.

  3. OMG,blogs about Starbucks!
    I just did a blog about what happened when i was hanging out at Starbucks.sheesh.
    By:Li Ann


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