A Visit to the Park

I had the opportunity to experience the beauty of the Bird Park at Lake Gardens with some special individuals from Chesire Home. Most of us went there initially to fulfill the quota for out Moral project but came back with much much more. (do excuse me for the cliché introduction)

We all met up at the Bird Park. An MY their ride was way cool compared to our conventional bus. They had these rad lifts on them which lowers them down. (Oops! Yeah, Cheshire Home specializes in care for disabled people)

Here's a teacher stirring up some conversation with a Chesire Home resident. Surprisingly, I found that they were full of life and enthusiasm. They don't get to go out much so they savor every chance they get.


We were assigned to one person each/per group/wtv and took them round the park. Kudos to the people who made this place relatively disabled friendly. It was relatively easy to manouver the wheelchairs up the relatively steep slopes.

They even got the chance to camwhore with some other visitors to the park. This proves that no matter who you are, and where you come from there will always be that subtle attraction to the camera.

Yes! We gave them kisses in the form of chocolates. Some of the students even went the distance to assist them with their lunch to get pictures for moral project.

Her name is Mercy which suits her pretty well. She really loved taking pictures with the birds. Somehow they found her head to be a really nice perch xP Reminds me of that lady in Marry Poppins selling bird feed for tuppence a bag.....

One thing I can say is they are AMAZING posers. They were so relaxed in fron of the camera considering I tend to get really close to my subjects.

Wanna know more about Chesire Home? Check out their website here.


  1. It seems that the residents of Cheshire are very nice people. Most of the disabled are - if people will just get to know them.

  2. Oooooh I was at the bird park on Saturday!

    Looks like everybody had great fun at the park. :)

  3. smiles are priceless!really nice capture.

  4. Julie, yup they were really nice people indeed to hang out with!

    Alice Teh, wah the Bird Park really famous place to go huh =)

    TheDong, indeed they are precious. Its nice to do something different on a Saturday for a change.

  5. Hello Stanley!

    The photos are excellent and I enjoyed looking at all of them. I particularly liked the one with birds on the lady.

    Your narration of the visit was really good.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Have a wonderful day!

  6. Thanks for sharing those nice moments.... Nice one friend...

  7. Alexandra, my trials in two weeks lah =)

    Joseph, thanks! A good day to you too.

    Selerines, thanks dude =)

  8. nice shots Stan.. so colorful.. look fun at the park..

  9. a beautiful park filled with happy faces. you captured them greatly stanley.

    sorry for not visiting sooner. just had a weeklong vacation and the work just piled-up. i'll catch-up on my readings/blog-hops once my sched returns to normal. have a nice day friend.

  10. Zhoe, thanks. It was fun going there!

    Lawstude, thanks no prob. Noticed you havent posted in a while. Hope you had a great vacation =)

  11. Nice Photos!

    Liked ur Blog very much...
    This is Vivek Shanmugam!
    Can we exchange links?!
    I've already added you to my BlogRoll in my site www dot rvivekshanmugam dot com

    Keep Blogging!

  12. R Vivek, thanks for stopping by! I'll check out your blog and will add it up if its content is relevent to my site. Okay =)


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