The Job

Well, I started working last Wednesday where I take pictures of people at this club called 'The Hive'. Figured that I had to find some way to compensate for all the cash I've burnt so far in Edinburgh. And most of it will go into the 'Summer 2012 Fund'. Never too early to start saving up!

It's funny how I'm forced to learn how to take pictures using flash. If you've been following this space for a while you'll know how much I despise flash photography. I will and always be the natural lighting street/portrait type of person. I had fun though and never thought that I'll actually get the opportunity to work as a photographer; literally a medical student by day and photographer by night. Just not too crazy about the late hours but it's probably going to be just one night a week, depending on the available shifts.

Anyway, I've been quite ill for the past few days and coughing like crazy at lectures. So glad a friend made me Thai curry the other day. Nothing like comfort Asian food when you're sick. I will be having my first exam in about six weeks. Got to start working towards that because it actually counts. Other than that life's been pretty good and I'm starting to cook food in bulk. Just can't be bothered to cook something for every single meal. For the past few days I've been having Gyudon for dinner and lunch. Taste amazing on the first day, and eventually you get tired of it as the days progress. Oh the perks of being a student.


  1. Did you put a ...erm....what do call that, flash protector in front of the flash? The flash doesn't seem to be too harsh. 

  2. Nah I just use the 'protector' on the flash itself which I don't think does much anyway. I just set the flash manually to a lower power setting and shoot on rear flash + low shutter. That way you get some ambient light in as well C:


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