Redang Island Trip: Sunrise

We stayed up the entire night. Some played mah jong, some played cards, some had quite a number of drinks. I've never stayed up to watch the sun rise before because usually that signals the time for me to jump into bed. The first few hours were easy. But when you're played over fifty rounds of cho tai ti, sleep will start to seem like a much more appealing idea. Still I really enjoyed the company and marvel how at how Jovi  seem to always win at mah jong despite being new to the game.

When the time came we walked down to the beach, which was still dark and barely lit by randomly placed light sources. I was barely awake and a let loose a few yawns. First thing to come was the amber sky that gave everything a wonderful reddish glow. So we stood there. Silent and observant, taking in the moment as gentle breeze ruffles the trees and waves crash onto shore.

For a while I thought that the show was over, that the sun was up. But Saiful begged to differ and persuaded us to wait a little longer. True enough the big round dot rose from across the horizon minutes later. Such are the dilemmas of a city boy.

It's a new day. Time for new beginnings. But first, sleep.


  1. are all these pictures with the new lens? because if it is, it pretty darn good! :D just got myself a 5d mkii yesterday. yeahhhh.

  2. No lah! All the pictures in redang were taken with my friend's dad's camera, the fullframe D3 with my 50mm 1.4 =) Ooohhh nice, I want a full frame too! I really like the video capability of the 5D Markii, so cinematic.


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