Kites and Sunglasses


Last Saturday the Youth Alive group from my church headed to Taman Layang-Layang (a.k.a. Metropolitan Park) to fly kites. Before heading there we built our kites in church. Uncle Mak was so nice to help teach us city raised kids how to make kites.

It was fun making it from scratch. Benji was my partner, good thing we made a functional looking kite in time. Made it all from scratch with bamboo, paper, glue (havent used this in YEARS), and the very irritating right-handed scissors. Fun fact: Stanley is left handed

When we got there, we attempted to fly our kites. The 20+ people there must be wondering why our 15+ bunch of youths have kites that don't fly up but rather in spiral circles. Such are the woes of city kids. Some of us have never flown let alone made a kite.

That's Uncle Mak in the middle holding the kites.

After we got tired attempting to fly our kites, most of us headed to the shady trees to watch the other people fly kites instead. Sue Jan made these seriously tasty KFC sandwiches. Gonna get me some KFC later to try making some at home!

There were also soft drinks to go around. These are such an awesome bunch of people to be around with. Throw in some food and drinks, everyone would be happily chatting away and having a good time.

Later, I took out the glasses I bought at the Suan Lum Night Market, Bangkok. There was this little shop in a quaint corner selling radical styled sunglasses. I actually bought 4 thinking of offering them up here on the blog to you guys but I changed my mind. I like them too much!

I had fun photographing these awesome bunch of people wearing these funky eyewears. You can really see their fun personality shine through these photographs. The light at that place was fantastic by the way. I really like how the pictures turned out.


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