Teacher's Day 2008 at Sri KDU

Teacher’s Day. A day set aside for us all to celebrate our beloved teachers, lavishing them with love. My school had it last Friday. One week before the exams, such good timing! But what the heck, anything for our teachers right =)

The day started off with the telematch which was prepared by the Prefectorial Board. We had the teachers embarrassing themselves one the field with games including water balloons (I was ecstatic when I saw the water balloons!!!) and nasi lemak (?!!).

"Menatang minyak yang penuh"

Race against time

Teachers getting all tangled up

Nasi lemak-the most balanced of Malaysian food

Banana anyone?

Teacher getting stressed up =)

This game was interesting. They have to find their coloured team mates from all over the field.

I was disappointed that not many balloons burst

There was one particular incident which I found pretty interesting. The teachers had this challenge where they have to cross the field by stepping on newspapers only. Each team had five. Well one team got pretty smart and used ten, taking the other team’s newspapers without actually knowing themselves.

Blue team: Faster! Faster! Step on the paper!

Red team : Where’s our newspaper? Where isit? Prefects!!! We got no newspaper.

Prefect : Huh? Owh….ei…we got prepared what. Each one have five.

Blue team: Keep going! We are like halfway there!

Red team : OI!!!! They took our newspaper!!! RESTART!!! Not fair! Not fair!

Prefect : Wait ah…its ok we’ll just get you new ones.

Red team : Hei! Not fair. They start first because they got the newspaper first!!! NOT FAIR!!! Ask them to come back here lah!!! (waves hand around angrily)

Red team : (Runs halfway across the field) Ei! Blue team stop!!! Restart again!!! NOT FAIR!!! NOT FAIR!!! (Other blue team members started sulking)

This was me throughout the whole thing

They both had to start over again, this time with both sides having equal sides of newspaper. It was interesting for me to be able to see the different side of teachers (dark huh…). They are human after all. I was busy taking shots and laughing to myself watching that scenario. Memories…… =)

This was the event!

Basically that was it. Just telematches an other games. The thing is that I noticed that the Teacher’s Day celebration in my current school (private) lacks spirit. I could recall celebrating it in my previous school(government) and it was such a “happening” event. Its actually an event which people look forward to. But here in my current school the mood is more like “Oh…its Teacher’s Day tomorrow? I think I’m gonna stay home and study”.

Teacher’s Day is like Christmas for all teachers! But I think the Grinch visited my school. Their tables were empty except for the occasional cupcake and chocolates. Perhaps this shows how much the kids in my school appreciate their teachers.

I don’t mean to be materialistic here but these kids are actually kids that have money! In fact, they have lots of it. Compare this to kids in government school. Not to mean that they are poor but most people don’t get the luxury of a 3 to 4 figure allowance. It wouldn’t hurt go give a card or write something nice.

Hmm……but on the other hand could this be a problem caused by the teachers? I just feel that teachers here lack the personal connection with students(Don’t emo now okay if you are one of my teachers). I don’t know. They say it takes two to tango so there must be something in between that is lacking.

Personally I would give anything to experience Teacher’s Day back at government school once more. Its nice to see the teacher’s faces beam up like the sun when they receive something. I personally dread spending money for presents so I opt for cards. Its so much cheaper (I think I spent Rm1/card) AND much more sincere…..I guess.


  1. -_- isnt teachers' day on the 16th..

  2. hello stanley =)

    its really amusing to see teachers like this all loosened up and having fun such a contraste to their usual serious selves!

  3. LOL man..Look at Mr HEw pics make me laugh..xD


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