America finally votes themself a rocker

Yes! After they virtually rejected all the previous idol rockers they have finally got themselves a rocker. Cook should thank Daughtry for his success. Voters probably saw way more potential for Cook in the industry given how well Daughtry did.

I can't say I'm one of those people screaming happily that he has won but congratulations anyway David Cook! I thought he would have a good chance in winning initially but after Archuleta's performance on Tuesday I seriously thought Cook would be done for.

He not only won but he won BIG. He won by a margin of 12 million votes. My dad texted me the results while I was at school. Honestly I was really shocked taking in the account of all the idol taboos (he finished the show, etc) and I really thought that his performance was like the winning performances that all the other previous idols have given.

We can't say that its another Ruben/Aiken moment because I know Cook will do well. I just thought of it this way. If Archuleta won, Cook still has his little niché in the industry. But when Cook won, I know that Archuleta was doomed for HasBeen-ville. He needed that win to propel him into the industry considering his style is not very current.

I would be waiting, I'm sure many people will be waiting to see how the both of them. Cook will do well but its little Archie that I'm worried about. Shy little guy in the show business. Not sure how long he would last.


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  2. Congrats to David Cook!


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