A Good Read

I'm making a point to get back into reading. This was my hobby before photography came along. And yes, that was what I wrote in all my primary school essays. How sad right? Just the other day during a flight I was flipping through the in-flight magazine and there was this article about motorbike racers. Those guys are 18 years old and are already in the league of world champions. Back then, I never knew that motorbike racing was hobby option.

During that period of my life books were my main source of entertainment, mostly due to the limited television time imposed by my parents. There was a library down the road so I would borrow books every week. I loved reading so much to the extent that I would occasionally get caught reading during lessons in school. But then came broadband internet, Astro, photography and important public exams. So lately the only books that I've been reading are my textbooks.

I have a few books on my shelves that I intend to read this holiday and catch up with Grey's Anatomy, Gossip Girl, and Supernatural. I will be travelling quite a bit too this holiday and am probably in Japan right now. Next will be Sarawak where I'll be visiting my mom's kampung in Miri. I'm also trying to get some paid photography work, so let me know if you have anything in mind.


  1. The photo reminds me of the years when I used to work in the university library back in Michigan. There were piles and piles and piles of books everywhere, just like in that photo :)

  2. You used to study in Michigan? Sounds interesting!


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