I wasted 80 minutes of my life

Today I was at KLCC to watch the new movie "Forbidden Kingdom". The movie was awesome until it stopped. What are the odd right! Well if chances of this happening is one in a billion, I was that one billionth movie goer.

The screen just stopped abruptly like that. Brown spots started forming on the screen and turned darker and finally turned black. It was not over! Those spots turned into holes. Just imagine yourself putting a piece of paper over a burning match.

It looked something like this but it actually burnt into two pieces. You could actually see the two parts flipping around.

My ticket got refunded but still I left with that irritated feeling for not being able to watch a movie till the end. Plus it stopped at the climax! Jackie Chan was dying (oops!) and it was the climax of the film. I hope someone from TGV (double oops!) is reading this. I HATE YOU!!!


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