Train rides

Trains are interesting. I love trains.

Those two lines are what I managed to come up with over the past hour. I am sitting in a hotel lobby in Croatia borrowing internet. And I mean borrowing as a very loose term.  This is one of those days. My brain is in such a state of relaxation and I don't feel like doing anything.What I usually do is write down daily notes about interesting thing that happen and expand on them later on.

With this set of pictures I wanted to capture in words how trains seem to be such an integral part of the whole travelling experience. In other words I wanted to romanticise the idea of a five-hour long boring ride. The whole train experience has evolved with the introduction of high-speed trains.  Journeys that span the entire night are scarce. Most of my journeys involve a bunch of rides, each of them lasting three hours at most.

These journeys tend to be boring for most part. However, on occasion you get nice surprises like having an interesting conversation with a fellow traveller or passing by places so beautiful you almost shit yourself.

Ok I want to sleep now. Enjoy the pretty pictures. 


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