New York, New York

This post has been way over due. Most of you would know already, well I think most of my friends do. I'll be flying off (Yet again! Haha people tend to get the impression that all I do is fly all over the place but I assure you otherwise. It just so happens these are the things I blog about) to New York next friday.

I'll be attending the World Summit Youth Award (, where a campaign I initiated with a bunch of friends at school won an award in the Go Green category. Basically, they award young people who have used the internet to put the United Nations Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) into action. So we will be heading there for a whole week of tourist-ing and eating networking with other winners, workshops and presenting our ideas during UN MGD Summit where countries would gather to discuss the targets they set on issues such as poverty, education and the environment.

And minus extra expenses they're providing full sponsorship so I'm really thankful for that. I found out about a month ago during my holiday in Singapore. I don't think I've felt more happy before, my tummy was gurgling with joy and I could not sleep the whole night.

I really want to thank God for such an opportunity. I've never set foot on the USA before so going there have always been a far off fantasy. And even in the past year I've had the opportunity to travel to so many places. I've probably traveled more last year than in my lifetime. This comes to shows that God knows your heart desires, and traveling is something that I hold very dear; the idea of scooting off to a foreign place and discovering it bit by bit. I enjoy observing people, culture and theirr food! Yeah it sounds corny but you can definitely taste culture in food, like how the spicy sourish taste of the tom yam makes you think of Thailand.

Oh a little about the campaign we started. Its called the Colour Me Green Campaign ( which is a call to youths all over Malaysia to start taking environmental action. Our school have been very active in the past year promoting environmental awareness and taking action. The work done by the global debates team was phenomenal and tons of events were organised by the various members of the team. So we thought, we are just one school. What if we had schools all over Malaysia doing stuff like us? This is how the idea came along. Participants will have a set of tasks to complete from implementing environmental policies in their schools to planning and executing an environmental project, sort of like a way to kick start the environmental action scene in their schools.


The only bummer is that I'll miss house singing! But I have faith that they'll kick some ass this year. Win or not some people are going to leave with sore bums hahah.


  1. Thank you Cyan! Yes, I will definitely savor that experience, and hopefully come back with some meaningful experiences.


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