Light (TOD Youth Alive Christmas Presentation)

Last Christmas was interesting. Somehow it did not feel like Christmas but I had fun nonetheless with family and friends. Most of my time was spent in church helping out with practices for our presentation for Christmas night-tiring but fun.

The whole concept revolved around the idea where they used black lights which lights up the white gloves they used. With this they use it to make shapes to interpret the song. A brilliant concept! Photography is not allowed during the actual day due to the nature of the performance, but I took pictures during the practice sessions.

The kids worked really hard to get the choreography worked out. It was done over the span of 3 months, every Saturday from what I heard. Fun fact: You know they're not allowed to smile? Your teeth will actually give off quite a visible glow. lol

We had a buffet dinner before the presentation. Then after the presentation, we kept eating the leftover food hhahah. Now what's an event without the group pictures?

Johnson "working" that fedora =D

One for the album...


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