Me and the Sanitarium of Relief

On a trip BACK from Malacca, suffering the consequences of my eating habits, I had to rush to toiletS all the way. The traffic congestion did not help too making the distance between every stop seems like eternity!

Whats made it worst was the stops were crazily filled with people! Another surprising thing was when I stepped into the gents, there were WOMEN in it! I was going "What the hell?!!". Can we guys ya' know, have some privacy when we do our business.

It turned out the the other toilet which was meant for the other sex was TOO full and could not cope with the demand.... :)

Notice the co-ed lines

I am personally paranoid of squatting models (toilets). During this trip I used that particular toilet bowl so many times I think my legs are now fit for a marathon.


  1. wow... squatting can build muscle. haha...

  2. Haha! Yes, it is a funny experience! I also experienced once traveling in Malaysia by bus and having diarrhea, it ain't easy.

  3. "Sold-out" toilet!!hehe

  4. funny story, but u know... this is malaysia mah.. hehe

  5. The second time I went to the Philippines to visit my future wife, my future mother in law fed me egg plant... My legs are still sore from our trip to town that day... HAHAHAHA! Good Luck!

  6. ugh..i hate to go to the restrooms along the highway. dirty and a lot of ppl, but cant help it if really need to use it. hope you're okay now!

  7. I'm ok with the squat types when I'm peeing but I'm not ok with using it when I'm shitting cos I my head will start spinning when i stand up. haha


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