Me and IKEA

I got a new chair from IKEA recently. My old car was really falling apart after using it for let say, 5 years? The mechanisms are all rusted and have fallen apart. Then arm rests are also really wobbly even though after endless tightening sessions.

So I got to IKEA and got me a chair! I brought it back home in excitement.

"Yay!!! I'm getting a new chair...."

I practically tore open the box in anticipation. I took out the chair. I chose the color black it suits my room plus it does not stain easily as the white one. But lo and ho as I took it out and flip it over only to find that I took the wrong box!!! The chair was in white. WHITE?!! Not black! I actually checked again just in case my eyes were playing tricks on me buy yeah, its white alright.

But who cares right. I just took it back to IKEA the following week (there's a one week return policy thingy) and got myself a black one. THIS time I got real "smart" and tore it right in IKEA to check the color and repackage it again there itself.

So I went back and opened it up again and guess what???!!!! Psyched....ahhaha. Nah, nothing happened this time. It was black, plain black. As black as the sky during night time...

Oh I turn to thee oh Chair from IKEA,
The chair tested every minute on display,
I look at they velvet vest,
Against the blaze of the sun in the west,
Time stood still as I gaze at thee,
The chair from IKEA we are bound to see......

OK!!! I am getting lamer by the minute. Funny me....So, I tore the cover open and took out the different parts of the chair. As you know IKEA requires you to fix your own furniture. I took ONE glance at the instructions and threw the book aside.

"I don't need a book! Doesn't look that difficult anyways"

I fixed everything up WITHOUT the book. I looked at the chair and smiled in satisfaction. I quickly sat on the chair, wanting to embrace its comfort. To my surprise, it felt like something had went wrong. This certainly does not have the "feel" of the chair I sat on in IKEA. This is why....

The chair was on BACKWARDS!!! I felt so embarrassed at that moment of stupidity. It took me more that 15 minutes to re-configure the whole thing again. I'll use the instruction manual next time.


  1. That's hilarious. Nice looking chair (even when it's backwards.)

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  2. I can see you throwing the directions away. It is exactly what my husband would have done. I do not know why men do this. They are there for a reason. Still, I like the chair. The backwards look of it is funkier than seeing it the right way.

  3. So cool. I laughed and remembered building my first ROCKING CHAIR from a kit. OOPS.
    Better yet... the first time I made a shirt for my boyfriend... I made it all fancy with french cuffs... AND 2 left sleeves.
    Ended up cutting off the sleeves and making it short sleeved and he wore it for a work shirt for years. lol

  4. nice chair altho was installed up side down :P

  5. Wah...buying new chair in time for CNY??lol

  6. Haha. How's the chair so far after the correction?

  7. That is my Techorati fav. of your blog: can you fav add my Music Blog? ?

  8. haha... doesnt it look weird to u before u tighten the screws? the poem is cool though =p

  9. lol. looks good anyhow! but better stick to the user manual next time ;) but anyway the chair looks very comfy though!

  10. lol congrats for the new chair!

  11. haha. hilarious! next time better use the manual instead ;P


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