Tales from National Service (PLKN): Malaysia 2020

Alright, here's a rant on National Service. One thing about this place is that you meet people diversed background. Hence, you have groups of nice people and also those who make you shake your head. Here's why....

The kitchen when we all wash our dishes.

The sink where we all wash our dishes.

The rack to arrange WASHED dishes. Haihs.....I just don't get why people can't push in the trays properly. Seriously, its actually easier to push it in properly than placing it in that diagonal position!

This is another thing that I have a problem with. People not washing their cups and trays. Who do they think they are huh? They think they're somehow more high and mighty hence refusing to wash plate like us lowly people.

Oh, and don't get me started on the washing. I actually decided to wash my tray/spoons/etc BEFORE and after eating, simply because some people don't know how to wash their plates properly! I tell you, its not the canteen's cooking that is causing food poisoning. Its these dirty plates.


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