heavy loads

I've been so bad at updating this space recently and I apologise for that. Life has been pretty hectic. I was hired to shoot this video promo on Monday. That was pretty cool. And I ended up on radio yesterday! A bunch of us were waiting for the bus to go to our general practice attachments and this girl came up to us offering a free ride in a cab with the chance of winning 97 pounds. Alarmingly, without hesitation we all jumped into the van with a stranger. It gave me a sudden realisation of how easy it is to kidnap people.

Basically they will take you wherever you want to go, and if the big red phone in the car rings during your ride you will win 97 pounds. Plus there was this little question that you will have to answer. Well, the phone rang. One of my friends, Emily picked it up, answered the question right, and won the money which would be split amongst the five of us. Such an interesting day.


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