Pizza Anyone?

Having this as my desktop background is probably not a very good idea. I think it has something to do with the fact that I'm constantly feeling hungry lately. One more week and I'm done with the CIE papers. Then there's prom which precedes the Edexel Math papers and we'll wrap it all up with the Redang trip which I am looking forward to.

I've been hit by the wave of nostalgia even before leaving this school. I blame all my seniors and their Facebook updates about how much they miss KTJ. Not too long from now I foresee myself being in the same boat. How did I suddenly zipped to this moment? It's as if for the past two years, time has been on fast forward. Now that I've paused and look back I just marvel at how much has happened in this little slice of my life; the people I've met and everything that we've been through.

I liken it to a roller coaster ride. You get tossed around, experience all the ups and downs, twist and turns. There is that high from all the adrenaline rush but then you realise that your ride is approaching the place where you get off. Some people can't wait to leave and some people just want to sit there to continue with another round, longing for the same rush they felt. But the ride eventually ends and everyone has to get out to make way for the other people lining up.

Someone get me some pizza!


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