Wandering souls

and whenever you're about to fall apart
sing the songs we used to be
and whenever you want to fix your heart
remember us and these loud noises
- Loud Noises, Yuna

Yes, I have reached that point in revision when you start quoting song lyrics.


1. After the first medical school exam...Tumblr. http://whatshouldwecallmedschool.tumblr.com/post/21794622014/after-the-first-medical-school-exam. (accessed 27 April 2012)

Referencing. One of the few things I've learnt so far in medical school.

The other day I saw a status a friend posted on Facebook and he was saying something about having low blood pressure. That bit of information triggered my brain into overdrive and for the next ten seconds or so I thought about metabolic processes, cardiac physiology, what sort of drugs he should be using, etc.

Realised what I was doing and stopped immediately. I have no idea whether to be impressed or scared. Can't wait to go back home and start telling people what sort of drugs they should be taking.


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